Read about the waves we’re making in the media about zero-emissions ocean shipping.
Prime pollution: Amazon’s climate pledge deemed worthless as emissions soar
September 13, 2024
— Amazon’s climate pledge announced in September 2019 looks like a fig leaf in light of a report on the trajectory of the ecommerce giant’s CO2 emissions over the past five years.
Environmental groups protest outside Amazon on Prime Day demanding company strengthen climate commitments
July 19, 2024
— Protestors gathered outside Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle on Thursday with a message to the company’s executives to strengthen its climate commitments. The demonstration, which shut down Sixth Avenue, was led by environmental advocacy groups including and the Ship It Zero coalition, climate and community advocates
Organization demands major retailers take crucial steps to protect our oceans: ‘These corporations have an opportunity to send a market signal’
May 18, 2024
— Now, a coalition called Ship It Zero — made up of environmental and public health advocates, scientists, shipping experts, and shoppers — is calling on the retail corporations that the industry relies on to commit to a goal of zero-emission maritime shipping by 2030, Good Good Good reported.
Criticism looms as Hapag-Lloyd reports emission reductions, receives F rating from Ship it Zero coalition
March 20, 2024
— German shipping giant Hapag-Lloyd has said it reduced the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of its fleet by 0.8m tons in 2023, through use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and biofuels, in its latest annual sustainability report outlining the steps it is taking to reach net zero emissions by 2045.
Nike signs biofuels agreement with CMA CGM
March 5, 2024
— The US apparel company is hoping to reduce CO2 emissions as part of its Move to Zero initiative on net zero emissions. Sport and fashion giant NIKE has partnered with CMA CGM on the use of more sustainable shipping fuels by purchasing biofuels for use with 36% of its cargo carried with the company.
Are Asia’s shipowners doing enough to cut greenhouse gas emissions?
October 6, 2023
— Asia is home to more than half of the world’s top ten major shipowners, based on a report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on 27 September.
Green critics hit out at carrier appetite for LNG fuel
September 20, 2023
— Following Maersk’s green partnership with CMA CGM, announced just one week after Maersk’s methanol “new industrial revolution”, environmental coalition Ship It Zero has expressed concern over the French liner giant’s preoccupation with LNG.
Amazon, IKEA and other major brands invite bids for zero-emission shipping
September 13, 2023
— An alliance of freight buyers that includes e-commerce giant Amazon and the world’s largest furniture retailer IKEA has invited shipping lines to place their bids to move 600,000 containers over a three-year period on ships that offer a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels on a lifecycle basis.
Hapag-Lloyd is unhappy with low grade in new climate rating
August 24, 2023
— The German container carrier is unhappy to fi nish last in a new rating of climate initiatives, behind China’s Cosco and others. Anenvironmental organization explains why.
Ikea actually got a decent grade for its sustainable shipping goals
August 10, 2023
— Ikea scored a lot higher than other big-name retailers for its efforts to cut down shipping pollution. Report cards are out for retailers’ climate goals, specifically when it comes to tackling the pollution from their shipping. Compared to other retail giants, Ikea managed to get surprisingly high scores.
Retailers and Carriers Fall Short on Ship It Zero’s Decarbonization Score Card
August 3, 2023
— Climate and public health campaign Ship it Zero says the results of its inaugural Shipping Decarbonisation Report Card put ‘retailers and carrier lines on notice to clean up their shipping problem.’
Amazon quietly ditched its plan to make half of all shipments carbon neutral by 2030
May 30, 2023
— An Amazon spokesperson told Fast Company that the change shouldn’t be taken to mean that the company wasn’t still working toward earlier internal goals. “Nothing has changed in our commitment to decarbonize our operations,” the spokesperson said. Will Evans, a reporter from the Center for Investigative Reporting who first discovered the change in policy, asked Amazon if the pledge had been eliminated because the company was going to miss the goal, and was told that wasn’t the case. Still, if the company was on track to hit the target, it’s not clear why they wouldn’t want to celebrate that publicly.
Nike Setting Sail With ‘World First’ Watercraft
May 30, 2023
— The unveiling comes after Nike was cited by climate and public health group Ship it Zero as the top U.S. ocean import polluter—responsible for 87,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions—in 2021. While the H₂ Barge 1 is not equipped for ocean sailing, it is the only inland vessel anywhere to be powered by hydrogen, said Nike. It retrofitted the ship’s standard diesel-guzzling combustion engine with hydrogen-powered, emission-free technology. The vessel releases nothing but humid air and clean water and is “far quieter” than conventional diesel-fueled vessels, wasting less energy through hull vibrations and heat and offering what’s described as a more comfortable environment for the crew.
The Climate Crisis Gives Sailing Ships a Second Wind
May 4, 2023
— Cargo vessels are some of the dirtiest vehicles in existence. Can a centuries-old technology help to clean them up?
Resolution passed urging maritime importers to call at San Pedro Port Complex on zero-carbon ships
April 21, 2023
— The Long Beach City Council has passed a Ship It Zero Resolution, which calls on top maritime importers to adopt emissions-reducing technologies and make port calls to the San Pedro Port Complex on zero-carbon ships by 2030.
Ship It Zero Resolution Passes Long Beach City Council: San Pedro Bay Port Complex to Commit to 100% Zero-Emission Ocean Shipping by 2030
April 20, 2023
— The Long Beach City Council unanimously passed a Ship It Zero Resolution 8-0, after the city attorney recommended that the council approve the resolution. The resolution took effect immediately upon its adoption by the Long Beach City Council. Last June, Ship It Zero mistakenly announced that the resolution had been approved by the council; but, in fact, the vote was to ask the city attorney to draft a resolution for review.
Ship It Zero Resolution passes Long Beach City Council
April 20, 2023
— The Long Beach City Council unanimously passed a Ship It Zero Resolution 8-0, after the city attorney recommended that the council approve the resolution. The resolution took effect immediately upon its adoption by the Long Beach City Council.
April 19, 2023
— The Long Beach City Council yesterday (18 April) unanimously approved a resolution ‘calling on top maritime importers to Long Beach to adopt existing emissions-reducing technologies and take steps towards making port calls to the San Pedro Port Complex on zero-carbon ships by 2030’. The Council’s move has been welcomed by local climate action NGOs and supporters of the ‘Ship It Zero’ coalition.
Ship It Zero Coalition to CMA CGM: Cancel LNG newbuild orders, invest only in zero-emission ships
April 12, 2023
— Climate and public health campaign Ship It Zero on Wednesday (12 April) has praised French shipping giant CMA CGM for its latest order of 12 methanol-powered container ships but has criticised its order for more LNG-fuelled boxships.
CMA CGM pulls ahead in zero-emission ocean shipping race, still trails Maersk in reducing LNG fleet
April 12, 2023
— CMA CGM, the top ocean shipping supplier for Walmart, announced that it has ordered 12 methanol-powered container ships, pulling ahead of Maersk with the most orders for zero-emission ships. In June of last year, the company announced that it had ordered six ships with dual-fuel methanol engines as part of its climate strategy.
IKEA joins ZEMBA to help minimise maritime emissions
April 5, 2023
— Multinational retail conglomerate Inter IKEA Group has joined the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA), as the first member alongside co-founders Amazon, Patagonia, and Tchibo.
Climate advocates applaud IKEA’s latest commitment to zero-emission shipping
April 5, 2023
— Yesterday, the Aspen Institute announced the addition of IKEA as the first member of the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA), alongside co-founders Amazon, Patagonia and Tchibo.
Ship It Zero Campaign Report Released: Brand Name Importers Need to Speed Zero-Emissions Shift
March 22, 2023
— “The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have a unique responsibility to end ship pollution and should lead the United States toward achieving 100% zero-emission shipping by 2040.” That’s the first key takeaway for ports and policymakers in a research report from the Ship It Zero campaign released on March 1.
Shippers put more pressure on ocean carriers for carbon-free services
March 17, 2023
— A new alliance of major shippers is pushing ocean carriers to step up their efforts to cut back on CO2 emissions.
New research names top brands responsible for shipping pollution
March 4, 2023
— Including Walmart, Home Depot, LG Electronics, Nike, Target, Amazon and IKEA — and reveals new data on ocean shipping emissions generated from the transportation of goods from the technology, furniture and fashion sectors.
Walmart, Target, and Home Depot targeted over shipping emissions
March 4, 2023
— Retail giants Walmart, Target, and Home Depot have been highlighted as the top brands for shipping pollution into the US and urged to use zero-emission vessels that currently don’t exist.
Companies must act to abandon dirty ships: New research names top brands responsible for shipping pollution
March 4, 2023
— New research released by the Ship It Zero campaign finds that Walmart, Target and Home Depot were the largest ocean import polluters of 2021.
New research finds top brands responsible for shipping pollution
March 4, 2023
— The Ship It Zero coalition released analysis that finds container ships filled with goods imported by 18 major consumer brands generated 3.5 million metric tons of climate pollution, the equivalent of what roughly 750,000 gas-powered cars generate in a year.
New Report Reveals Ocean Shipping Emissions of Top U.S. Importers
March 4, 2023
— The top U.S. importers emitted 3.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases from shipping during the height of the pandemic-driven imports surge in 2021, according to new research released today by the Ship It Zero campaign.
Walmart, Target and Home Depot worst among US importers for emissions
March 4, 2023
— According to a report released yesterday by Ship It Zero, Walmart shipped 850,630 teu at a carbon cost of 788,019 tonnes of CO2.
Major US retailers face call to abandon polluting ships
March 4, 2023
— US retailers including Walmart, Target and Home Depot are being urged to abandon polluting vessels and end port pollution by the end of the decade.
New research names top brands responsible for shipping pollution
March 4, 2023
— New research released on Wednesday (1 March) by the Ship It Zero campaign finds that Walmart, Target and Home Depot were the largest ocean import polluters of 2021, as e-commerce demands skyrocketed in the U.S. and globally.
Walmart Found To Be One Of The Biggest Contributors To Climate Change?
March 4, 2023
— Walmart's cargo ships leak 3.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases annually, directly contributing to climate change.
Companies must act to abandon dirty ships: New research names top brands responsible for shipping pollution
March 4, 2023
— New research released today by the Ship It Zero campaign finds that Walmart, Target and Home Depot were the largest ocean import polluters of 2021, as e-commerce demands skyrocketed in the U.S. and globally.
Retailers With Highest Maritime Shipping Emissions Named in New Report
March 4, 2023
— The All Brands on Deck report, created by Ship It Zero, Pacific Environment and, named 18 retailers tied to the greenhouse gas emissions from importing their goods into the U.S.
Report: Walmart, Other Importers Need to Speed Zero-Emissions Shift
March 4, 2023
— The report “All Brands On Deck: Top Furniture, Fashion, Retail & Technology Companies Must Act to Abandon Dirty Ships,” analyzed the climate and other pollution impacts of 18 companies importing their goods into the U.S. in 2021. Altogether they were responsible for 3.5 million metric tons of climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions, with Walmart, Target and Home Depot leading the way.
Walmart, Target, Home Depot lead pack of retailers emitting millions of pounds of CO2 through shipping
March 4, 2023
— A new report from the nonprofits Pacific Environment and finds that the ships that carried imports for 18 of the U.S.’s largest retail, fashion, tech, and furniture companies emitted about 3.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases in 2021, about as much as the annual climate pollution from 750,000 passenger cars.
Nike and These Retail Giants Are Big-Time Ocean Pollution Offenders
March 4, 2023
— Some of the biggest names around have one unfortunate characteristic in common—their cargo shipping operations are major contributors to global climate and air pollution.
Companies must act to abandon dirty ships: New research names top brands responsible for shipping pollution
March 4, 2023
— New research released today by the Ship It Zero campaign finds that Walmart, Target and Home Depot were the largest ocean import polluters of 2021, as e-commerce demands skyrocketed in the U.S. and globally.
America’s pandemic shopping haul arrived on dirty cargo ships
March 4, 2023
— A new report aims to quantify the environmental toll of transporting all of those products by sea. The analysis, released on Wednesday by the Ship It Zero coalition, tracks goods imported by 18 major retailers and consumer brands during that frenzied year.
Pandemic shipping took a heavy toll on the climate
March 4, 2023
— Many Americans remained locked down and logged online throughout 2021, changing the way people shopped for countless goods and services. Initial coverage frequently focused on the ensuing supply chain woes, but new research is showcasing another grave consequence to all that consumption—the ocean shipping industry boom generated massive amounts of greenhouse gasses.
March 4, 2023
— The climate action Ship It Zero campaign has released new research showing that, among US brands, ‘Walmart, Target and Home Depot were the largest ocean import polluters of 2021’.
COP27: Piecemeal approach keeps us on the highway to climate hell
November 15, 2022
— This week the Ship It Zero campaign berated retail giant Walmart for its failure to join in with emissions abatement measures that would ultimately reduce the company’s climate footprint.
Green Seas: Cargo owners aim to use their buying power for clean shipping fuels. Is it enough?
October 13, 2022
— Yet the company is aiming to have 100% of its shipping powered by zero-carbon fuels in 2040, without offsets. And it is among founding members of Cargo Owners for Zero Emission Vessels, or COZEV, an alliance of shippers, that have signed on to the same goal.
Anti-anti-ESG strikes back
September 9, 2022
— The Minneapolis city council unanimously approved a resolution Thursday calling on the country's biggest importing companies to transition to zero-emission goods movement via ships by 2030. The environmental group Pacific Environment, which is behind the resolution, said it had found success pushing IKEA and Amazon to commit to only purchasing zero-emissions vessels by 2040.
Target Corporation faces local government call for net-zero shipping by 2030
September 9, 2022
— Minneapolis-based US retailer Target Corporation is facing a call from its local government to commit to using shipping with net -zero GHG emissions by 2030. The Minneapolis City Council unanimously passed a resolution on Thursday calling for U.S. firms to commit to making all imports to the country come on net-zero emissions ships by 2030, environmental group Ship it Zero said in a statement on its website in Thursday.
Amazon to adopt hydrogen fuel in 2025 to decarbonize Its operations
September 1, 2022
— Amazon announced that it would adopt green hydrogen – starting in 2025 – to decarbonize its operations. The contract will provide power for 30,000 forklifts or 800 heavy-duty trucks. Even though ocean shipping was mentioned in the announcement, Amazon did not give a firm commitment to when it would green its ocean cargo shipping operations.
Amazon to adopt zero-emission fuel after 2021 carbon emissions increase
August 31, 2022
— Amazon announced that it would adopt green hydrogen, starting in 2025, to decarbonize its operations. The contract will provide power for 30,000 forklifts or 800 heavy-duty trucks. Even though ocean shipping was mentioned in the announcement, Amazon did not give a firm commitment to when it would green its ocean cargo shipping operations.
Amazon urged to turn attention to ocean shipping following green hydrogen pledge
August 31, 2022
— Amazon’s decision to adopt green hydrogen, starting in 2025, to power forklifts and heavy-duty trucks does not go far enough, says NGO coalition, Pacific Environment.
Amazon announces adoption of zero-emission fuel following revelation of 2021 carbon emissions spike
August 31, 2022
— Amazon announced that it would adopt green hydrogen – starting in 2025 – to decarbonize its operations. The contract will provide power for 30,000 forklifts or 800 heavy-duty trucks. Even though ocean shipping was mentioned in the announcement, Amazon did not give a firm commitment to when it would green its ocean cargo shipping operations.
World’s longest green corridor planned between Singapore and Rotterdam
August 12, 2022
— Efforts are underway to form the world’s longest green corridor to enable low and zero carbon shipping between the hubs of Singapore in the Far East and Rotterdam in Europe.
Amazon will have a hard time reaching net zero after emissions rose 18% last year
August 11, 2022
— This week, retail giant Amazon announced that its carbon emissions jumped by a staggering 18% in 2021 during the pandemic and, overall, its emissions are up 40% since 2019. The vast majority of these increases came from many of the out-of-sight, out-of-mind things it takes to get billions of packages to consumers’ front doors—think: ships, planes, trucks, and warehouses.
Cargo ships are notoriously dirty. A new bill aims to clean them up
July 14, 2022
— The Clean Shipping Act, proposed this week in Congress, would curb CO2 pollution from shipping and accelerate the adoption of nascent technologies.
Ship it Zero coalition hosting webinar on ‘impacts of shipping pollution’
July 12, 2022
— The Ship It Zero coalition will be hosting a webinar today (12 July) which will feature medical and climate experts and ‘impacted community members’ sharing insights on ‘the public health impacts of port pollution from ocean shipping’.
California lawmakers are ready to decarbonize the shipping industry. The technology isn’t there yet.
July 11, 2022
— Late last month, Long Beach, California, signed onto a historic effort to clean up the shipping industry when city council members unanimously passed a resolution to reach 100 percent zero-emissions shipping by 2030.
Ship It Zero coalition sends open letter to Target requesting meeting to discuss health-harming pollution
July 5, 2022
— In an open letter to Brian Cornell, CEO of Target, the coalition is holding the retailer accountable for its outsized role in the port congestion crisis.
Long Beach City Council OKs resolution calling for 100% zero-emissions shipping
June 23, 2022
— “As a hub for international trade, Long Beach and its residents face significant impacts from cargo ship pollutants,” Al Austin II, Long Beach City Council Member, District 8, said.
San Pedro Bay Port Complex to Commit to 100% Zero-Emissions Ocean Shipping by 2030
June 23, 2022
— Long Beach City Councilmember Cindy Allen introduced the resolution on Earth Day, calling on Long Beach’s top maritime importers to commit to making all port calls to the San Pedro Port Complex, which includes the Port of Long Beach, on 100% zero-emissions ships by 2030.
Ship It Zero resolution passes Long Beach City Council
June 22, 2022
— This resolution would unite the nation’s largest ports, Los Angeles and Long Beach – and the largest U.S. seaport complex – in making the commitment of zero-emissions ocean shipping by 2030.
Ship It Zero Coalition to CMA CGM: Cancel orders for 10 LNG dual fuel vessels
June 8, 2022
— Climate and public health campaign Ship It Zero on Monday (6 June) has called on shipping and logistics player CMA CGM to cancel its recent orders for 10 liquefied natural gas (LNG) dual fuel vessels.
Ship It Zero Coalition to CMA CGM: time to set sail on zero-emissions ships is now
June 7, 2022
— CMA-CGM, top ocean shipping supplier for Walmart, announced that it has ordered six ships with dual-fuel methanol engines as part of its climate strategy.
Ship It Zero calls on shipowners to turn away from fossil fuels
May 27, 2022
— The Ship it Zero coalition is urging shipowners to only use zero-emission technologies and fuels for their future vessels – to make any new investments in fossil fuels is ‘moral and economic madness,’ it says.
Ship It Zero To Shipping Companies: Any New Investments In Fossil Fuels Is “Moral And Economic Madness”
May 25, 2022
— Executive Director Alex Levinson of Pacific Environment and Executive Director Todd Paglia of sent a letter to major shipping companies urging them to invest in only zero-emissions technologies and fuels for their future global fleets.
Environmental Groups Urge Shipping Industry To Commit To Zero-Emissions Fleets
May 25, 2022
— On May 23, the Ship It Zero coalition sent an open letter to shipping companies, including CMA CGM Group, A.P. Moller-Maersk, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Evergreen Marine, and Ocean Network Express to urge them to cancel all new fossil fuel ship builds in their order books and invest only in zero-emissions technologies and fuels for their future global fleets.
Supply Chain Professionals Can Lead on Green Freight
May 13, 2022
— Pollution from freight operations can increasingly be connected back to the company that’s moving goods. The ocean shipping emissions footprint of IKEA, Target and Walmart, were calculated by Ship It Zero, a coalition of climate, clean air and consumer advocates.
Pacific Basin, Nihon Shipyard and Mitsui team up on zero-emission vessels
May 12, 2022
— Hong Kong-based Pacific Basin Shipping, an owner and operator of dry bulk vessels, has collaborated with Japan’s Nihon Shipyard and Mitsui & Co for the investigation and development of commercially-feasible zero-emission vessels (ZEV).
Listen: Can the Los Angeles-Shanghai green shipping corridor save the sector and the planet?
May 2, 2022
— The shipping sector faces a massive challenge in decarbonizing to meet global climate goals. To accelerate those efforts, leaders at the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow last year agreed to develop at least six green shipping corridors by 2025 and many more by 2030.
IN PHOTOS: Environmental activists protest Target’s shipping pollution
April 29, 2022
— “I moved to Long Beach back in 2018, and I remember going to the ocean with some friends. They brought up that they weren’t going to swim, because they didn’t trust that the water was clean, and this was new to me."
Happy Earth Day, Mr. President: Seattleites protest Biden at executive order signing
April 27, 2022
— On Friday, local community members showed up in droves to watch President Joe Biden’s arrival at Seward Park. Environmental activists representing the “Ship It Zero” campaign were in attendance and held various signs encouraging Biden to commit to zero-emission shipping by 2030.
Biden signs old tree protection order on Seattle Earth Day visit
April 25, 2022
— Despite the president talking about his willingness to help fight global warming, advocates for various climate-conscious organizations and Republicans say Biden needs to do more.
West Coast Environmentalists Step Up Calls for Green Corridors and Zero-Emission Shipping
April 25, 2022
— As US President Joe Biden visited Seattle on Earth Day (Friday, 22 April), environmental activists held rallies in the nearby port as well as in Long Beach and Bellingham in support of their calls for a green shipping corridor between Seattle and Busan.
Teenagers protest corporate ocean pollution
April 25, 2022
— Jack Beglin, 13, faked his death at the Bellingham Target on Earth Day, surrounded by classmates and teachers. He “died” peacefully, calling for the corporate giant and the entire maritime shipping industry to become more environmentally conscious.
Environmental Activists Hold Earth Day Protest As Biden Visits Seward Park
April 25, 2022
— On Friday, local community members showed up in droves to watch President Joe Biden’s arrival at Seward Park. Environmental activists representing the “Ship It Zero” campaign were in attendance for the event and held various signs encouraging Biden to commit to zero-emission shipping by 2030.
On Earth Day, Activists Call for Faster Action on Shipping Emissions
April 25, 2022
— Activists in three West Coast cities took to the streets on Earth Day to ask shipping to accelerate its plans for climate action - not by pressuring shipowners, but by appealing to their customers.
Long Beach climate activists protest ship pollution on Earth Day
April 25, 2022
— A group of more than 50 environmental activists organized a protest on Friday, marching from Whaley Park to the Target store on Bellflower Boulevard in East Long Beach.
April 22, 2022
— Timed to coincide with President Biden’s visit to Seattle and Portland, the Ship It Zero coalition has issued a call for federal government to use funding from the $1 trillion national infrastructure package to create a green shipping corridor between Seattle and Busan, South Korea.
Five European ports partner with Mærsk Centre on green corridor
April 6, 2022
— Five Northern European port authorities have entered a partnership with the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Centre for Zero Carbon Shipping to create a new European Green Corridors Network.
This startup designed an electric cargo ship to cross the ocean
April 6, 2022
— Fleetzero plans to soon begin crossing the Pacific with smaller electric ships that swap batteries at ports along the way, in a system that it says could prove cheaper than shipping with fossil fuels.
Logistics gets on a sustainable track
April 6, 2022
— A truckload of technologies, partnerships and global agreements are putting solutions, some of them decades old, on a fast, or at least faster, track. Combine that with corporate and government purchasing commitments that stoke demand for greener logistics options, along with stepped-up regulatory pressure to decarbonize the transportation sector, and you have the makings of a disruptive shift.
Number of Zero Emission Shipping Projects Nearly Doubled in Past Year
April 4, 2022
— A new report from the Getting to Zero Coalition mapping pilot projects and demonstrations reports that the number of initiatives has nearly doubled in the past year with the strongest growth coming in Asia.
Maersk is First Shipping Company to Join Amazon’s Climate Pledge
March 16, 2022
— Nearly 100 additional companies, including Maersk, have joined The Climate Pledge, an environmental imitative in part led by Amazon where signatories commit to achieving full decarbonization of their operations by 2040, ten years ahead of the Paris Agreement.
Big Week of Innovations for Zero-Emissions Shipping
March 11, 2022
— This past week, ocean cargo shipping had mentions during the World Oceans Summit, in President Biden’s State of the Union Address, and saw two new announcements with zero-emissions technological advancements.
Ship It Zero Calls on Walmart to Ditch Fossil-Fuelled Ocean Shipping
February 23, 2022
— Climate advocates with the Ship It Zero campaign are calling on Walmart to end its reliance on fossil-fuelled ocean shipping.
Ship It Zero Campaign to Walmart: Protecting Oceans Requires Zero Emissions Shipping
February 23, 2022
— Walmart Senior Vice President for Sustainability Jane Ewing will be a keynote speaker at the 9th annual World Ocean Summit Virtual Week taking place from March 1–4, 2022. Climate advocates with the Ship It Zero campaign are calling on Walmart to stop ignoring its massive ocean and climate pollution problem, as the company touts its narrow focus on overfishing.
ESW will now provide carbon-neutral shipping
February 16, 2022
— With an entire business based on delivering products to consumers’ doors, a “sustainable” DTC brand can sound like an oxymoron. Despite an emphasis on upcycled goods and eco-friendly materials, shipping and freight remain among the greatest polluters in the retail industry.
Ship It Zero welcomes Energy Observer 2 and renews calls for retailers to use zero-emission ships
February 14, 2022
— The Ship It Zero coalition has welcomed the unveiling of the hydrogen-fueled Energy Observer 2 and called on major retailers to ‘use this moment’ to ‘adopt zero-emission shipping solutions now.'
Offshore wind farms could double as electric charging stations for ships
February 14, 2022
— Offshore wind farms already provide gigawatts of clean electricity to the grid worldwide. Now efforts are underway to supply some of that wind-blown power directly to ships.
Ship It Zero Welcomes Energy Observer 2 and Renews Calls For Retailers To Use Zero-Emission Ships
February 11, 2022
— The Ship It Zero coalition has welcomed the unveiling of the hydrogen-fueled Energy Observer 2 and called on major retailers to ‘use this moment’ to ‘adopt zero-emission shipping solutions now.'
Ship It Zero Coalition calls on Walmart, Target, Amazon and IKEA to move their business to carriers that offer zero emission solutions
February 10, 2022
— Today, Energy Observer is scheduled on Thursday, February 10 to announce a new zero-emissions cargo ship at the One Ocean Summit in Brest, France.
Shipping giants under fire for record profits, fees as pandemic continues
February 4, 2022
— Shipping giants have come under fire from U.S. business groups and watchdogs for raking in record-breaking profits on the backs of skyrocketing prices driven by unprecedented port congestion.
LA and Shanghai ports in green shipping corridor partnership
February 3, 2022
— The Ports of Los Angeles and Shanghai have announced plans to create a green shipping corridor on the transpacific trade.
Advocates welcome Ports of Los Angeles, Shanghai announcement of first transpacific green shipping corridor commitment
February 1, 2022
— The Port of Los Angeles, Port of Shanghai, and C40 Cities have announced that they will work with industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the movement of cargo throughout the 2020s, including a goal to “begin” transitioning to zero-carbon fueled ships by 2030 to cut emissions from one of the world’s busiest cargo routes.
Maersk launches the world’s first offshore electric vessel-charging station venture
January 28, 2022
— Now is the perfect time for international ocean shipping companies to invest their record profits into a horizon of hope for our shared future on this planet.
New study: California’s trailblazing diesel rules save lives
January 28, 2022
— Jesse Marquez, executive director of the Coalition for a Safe Environment and a resident of the portside community of Wilmington, pointed to the role of environmental justice advocates in pushing for cleaner air. “The port did not do this on their own. (The air board) did not do this on their own,” he said. “We forced it to happen.”
The world’s first all-electric container ship
January 27, 2022
— The world's first all-electric container ship will save 1,000 tons of CO2 and eliminate the need for 40,000 delivery trips by diesel-powered trucks per year.
Maersk to tackle air pollution at ports with ship-charging buoys
January 26, 2022
— Shipping group Maersk plans to install hundreds of offshore charging stations around the world to allow vessels to power themselves with electricity instead of fossil fuels while waiting outside ports.
Maersk could push the entire shipping industry to move up its climate goals
January 13, 2022
— Maersk’s announcement raises the pressure on its rivals to cut emissions more aggressively. The rest of the world’s largest shipping lines are also sitting on billions of dollars of pandemic profits.
Ship It Zero Calls Maersk’s 2040 Pledge a ‘Necessary Step’ Towards Zero Emissions Cargo Shipping
January 13, 2022
— Ship It Zero coalition members and Pacific Environment say Maersk’s decision to aim for net zero climate emissions by 2040 – 10 years earlier than its initial target date– is an ‘industry-leading commitment’ but they have expressed concern that the shipping giant’s 2030 goals rely on offsets.
Sea of Love
December 15, 2021
— Dawny’all Heydari of the advocacy group Pacific Environment calls on the shipping industry to immediately adopt emission-reduction technologies and strategies – and speed up the transition away from fossil fuels
‘Warehouses in their backyards’: when Amazon expands, these communities pay the price
December 10, 2021
— The neighborhood is one of hundreds across the US where Amazon’s dramatic expansion has set in motion huge commercial operations. Residents near the new warehouses say they face increased air pollution from trucks and vans, more dangerous streets for kids walking or biking and other quality-of-life issues such as clogged traffic and near-constant noise.
For Some, Shipping Bottleneck Presages a Polluted Holiday Season
December 8, 2021
— Pandemic-related supply chain issues have slowed the flow of goods into American homes, even as the ports move to speed up operations. For many, that means delays on holiday gifts, but for locals like Chavez, who was diagnosed with asthma as a child and now works for the Coalition for Clean Air, the excessive pollution related to shipping and trucking congestion at the ports raises concerns about his health, and that of his community.
Report Reveals Big Retailers Contribute to Pollution and Port Congestion
December 7, 2021
— The report revealed that between 2018 to 2020, these retailers, among others, were responsible for 20 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions for goods imported to the US.
Supply chain chaos is causing the biggest increase in ship emissions in more than a decade
December 3, 2021
— A study published on Monday by Ship it Zero, an advocacy organization, estimates that ocean shipping by Walmart produces 11.5 million tons, equivalent to roughly 1% percent of annual shipping emissions in 2018, while Amazon produces about 1.5 million tons of CO2.
The supply chain crisis is wreaking havoc on the environment as carbon emissions from ships and seaports reach the highest rate since 2008
December 3, 2021
— "The retail brands that fill our homes and lives with their products bear a direct responsibility both for the pollution that the maritime shipping in their supply chains creates and for taking the necessary actions to demand emissions reductions now and 100 per cent zero emissions shipping this decade," the report said.
Focus on shippers and ocean carriers as US retail sales rise
December 1, 2021
— Amazon and Target have played an “outsized role” in the congestion at the US west coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, according to a study by the Ship It Zero Coalition, which is comprised of environmental and public health advocates, scientists, and shipping experts who are lobbying companies to “achieve zero-emissions shipping by 2030.”
Amazon accused of playing ‘outsized’ role in supply chain chaos
December 1, 2021
— According to the report, Amazon, Target, Walmart and Ikea are some of America’s worst offenders in this regard. These four companies alone emit 20 million metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere, as much as all marine shipping generates in two years.
Shipping industry is pressured to cut pollution caused by merchant fleet
December 1, 2021
— The global shipping industry is coming under increasing pressure to cut the pollution created by the world's merchant fleet.
Online Shopping Is Turning the High Seas Into a Super-Polluting Highway
December 1, 2021
— A new report released by and Pacific Environment determined maritime shipping for those four companies alone accounted for some 20 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent over the past two years, the majority of which stemmed from goods transported between China and the U.S. West Coast.
Amazon, Walmart and the world’s biggest retailers are making port congestion and pollution worse, new report finds
December 1, 2021
— "Until recently, the massive climate disrupting and human health harming emissions from international container shipping — and the companies that are buying their services — have sailed under the radar of public scrutiny," the report said.
Amazon, Target fueling port pollution, harming communities: Report
December 1, 2021
— According to the report by non-profit environmental groups Pacific Environment and, fossil-fueled cargo container ships have idled off the shores of the San Pedro Bay Ports for months, bringing higher levels of asthma and cancer-associated air pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide into the port-adjacent communities.
Groundbreaking new research uncovers close ties between polluting cargo carriers, major U.S. retailers
December 1, 2021
— New research released today by Ship It Zero coalition members and Pacific Environment takes an in-depth look at four major retail companies that import goods into the United States — Walmart, Target, Amazon, and IKEA — and maps their often-hidden relationships with the fossil-fueled cargo carriers they hire to transport their goods.
Why Do Walmart, Amazon, Target and IKEA Have Such High Shipping Emissions?
November 30, 2021
— Released on Cyber Monday, a new report from Ship It Zero coalition members and Pacific Environment details the relationship between four major retailers that ship goods to the U.S. — Walmart, Amazon, Target and IKEA — and the fossil-fueled carrier companies that make that shipping possible.
Amazon and Target play ‘outsized’ role in port congestion and pollution, report finds
November 30, 2021
— Amazon and Target are playing a big role in the port pollution crisis along the US West Coast, according to a report published today. These retail giants are among the top importers in the US and rely heavily on shipping routes between China and California.
Top retailers and carriers urged to move faster to cut shipping emissions
November 29, 2021
— The failure of the shipping industry to inject urgency into the decarbonisation process at last week’s Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has come under scrutiny from US climate change pressure groups.
Cyber Monday Report Reveals Climate-Wrecking Supply Chain of US Retail Giants
November 29, 2021
— As shoppers scoured the internet for holiday deals on Cyber Monday, a pair of environmental groups published a report that exposes the planet-heating maritime shipping practices of four major global retailers: Amazon, IKEA, Target, and Walmart.
Green groups push liner operators on zero-emission shipping
November 29, 2021
— Retailers are starting to heed the call, and Pacific Environment say.
Amazon and Target play an ‘outsized role’ in California port congestion compared to competitors Ikea and Walmart, new study says
November 29, 2021
— The report breaks down the shipping routes and carriers used by Amazon, Target, Ikea, and Walmart in order to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions released by cargo ships.
Ship It Zero aims to set sail on low-carbon cargo
November 29, 2021
— Cargo ships have been idling at the port of Los Angeles for months due to the backlog caused by labor shortages, supply chain problems and the ongoing ripple effects of COVID-19.
How Black Friday Hurts Black And Brown Communities
November 25, 2021
— Like many other ports across the U.S., the Port of LA is adjacent to Black and brown communities, where people breathe in more pollution and have higher rates of asthma, cancer and premature death than their white community neighbors.
Inside the ‘Aggressive’ Goal to Make LA Port Ships 100% Zero Emission
November 20, 2021
— Los Angeles' City Council adopted an ambitious maritime resolution last [year] that calls on top importers like Walmart, Dole, Nike, Amazon and Home Depot on 100% zero-emissions ships by 2030, even though the technology doesn't yet exist.
The shipping industry faces a climate crisis reckoning – will it decarbonize?
November 12, 2021
— Until now, shipping companies, which operate in remote international waters far from the public eye, have managed to avoid meaningful climate regulation. But the industry is facing a reckoning.
LA City Council adopts world-first resolution calling for zero emission shipping at America’s top two ports by 2030
November 10, 2021
— Yesterday, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously voted to adopt Councilmember Nithya Raman’s resolution calling on ships calling at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to ensure to be 100% zero-emissions by 2030.
LA City Council Calls on Top Port Importers to Use Zero-Emission Ships
November 10, 2021
— The Los Angeles City Council today called on the top maritime importers in Los Angeles to commit to making all port calls to the San Pedro Port Complex via zero-emission ships by 2030.
New coalition hopes to create demand drivers for sustainable solutions
November 5, 2021
— A new multinational coalition aims to decarbonize “hard-to-abate” sectors such as shipping and provide much-needed demand signals for zero-emissions fuels and technologies.
As 100 ships idle offshore, California communities see rise in toxic pollutants
October 28, 2021
— Together, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are responsible for about 40 percent of the country’s imports. Now, cargo ships are being forced to wait offshore for an average of 10 days as increased consumer spending, labor shortages, and other issues brought on or worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic continue to impact supply chains and cause slowdowns.
Backups at L.A., Long Beach ports cause air pollution concerns
October 28, 2021
— Pollution is becoming a growing problem for people living near the congested ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
‘It was all worth it’: Stakeholders celebrate opening of Climate Pledge Arena at Seattle Center
October 28, 2021
— Climate Pledge Arena at Seattle Center is now officially open to the public.
Big shippers promise zero carbon by 2040. Too late, say climate activists
October 27, 2021
— Major shippers including Amazon, Ikea, and Unilever say they will stop putting their stuff on ships that burn fossil fuels in the next 20 years.
Amazon, Ikea and other big companies commit to zero-emission shipping by 2040
October 19, 2021
— In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in global trade, a coalition of companies that includes Amazon and Ikea has pledged to use only ocean shippers that use zero-carbon fuel by 2040.
Amazon, Ikea and Unilever pledge zero emission shipping by 2040
October 19, 2021
— Amazon, Ikea, Unilever and Michelin are among nine multinational companies that have committed to switching all of their ocean freight to vessels powered by zero-carbon fuels by 2040.
Amazon and others commit to using zero-carbon shipping fuels by 2040
October 19, 2021
— Amazon and IKEA are among commercial users of container shipping that will opt for zero-carbon marine fuels by 2040 in a new initiative aimed at speeding up decarbonisation in the maritime sector.
Amazon, Ikea and Unilever pledge zero-carbon shipping by 2040
October 19, 2021
— Nine big companies including Amazon, Ikea and Unilever have signed up to a pledge to only move cargo on ships using zero-carbon fuel by 2040.
Port Sets 2030 Goals for More Breathable Air Via Maritime Clean Air Strategy
October 15, 2021
— The Port of San Diego board has approved a policy intended to help the agency identify projects and initiatives to improve health through cleaner air around San Diego Bay.
Ships backed up outside US ports pumping out pollutants as they idle
October 15, 2021
— The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, two of the nation’s busiest, create more than 100 tons a day of smog that choke local communities.
Ikea called out for its role in shipping emissions
October 7, 2021
— Climate activists are demanding Dutch-based homeware giant Ikea to transition to zero-emissions cargo shipping vessels by 2030.
Global shipping is a big emitter, the industry must commit to drastic action before it is too late
September 20, 2021
— Last week three Pacific Island states – the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Kiribati and the Solomon Islands – officially asked the IMO to drastically scale up its ambition for decarbonising the shipping sector.
Ikea: Shipping plays a vital role in reaching climate neutrality in 2030
September 17, 2021
— As one of the major US importers, Ikea shares part of the responsibility for carbons emissions from the container fleet, as established by a recent report. Sea freight is important for our carbon plans, Ikea tells ShippingWatch.
Søren Toft vows MSC will be net zero by 2050
September 16, 2021
— Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has gone on the record to publicly state for the first time its intention to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Zero-Emission Shipping | Cronkite News
September 9, 2021
— The demand for everything Amazon delivers only seems to grow, but environmental activists are demanding use of zero-emission shipping to reduce the impact of transportation on our air and oceans.
Climate activists call out Amazon’s ship pollution
September 1, 2021
— Climate activists with the Ship It Zero coalition gathered near major American ports on Tuesday, as part of two separate events demanding that retail giant Amazon transitions to zero-emissions cargo shipping vessels.
Campaigners call for retail shipping to commit to zero emissions by 2030
August 20, 2021
— The US retail sector should urgently begin its transition to zero-emissions shipping by 2030, says a report from and Pacific Environment.
Letters to the Editor: Diesel pollution is killing port area residents. Why isn’t this an emergency?
August 19, 2021
— Pollution from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach is not just choking Southern California; it is killing the residents of the fence-line communities around the ports. We are in a public health emergency, but no one is responding to it as such.
Retailers’ Dirty Secret: Emissions In Shipping Freight
August 9, 2021
— Retailers are touting their ambitious emissions targets. Yet just getting their products across the ocean creates more greenhouse-gas emissions than all 2 billion of America’s cars and truck combined. Retailers (and manufacturers) can expect to face increasing pressures to monitor and manage their maritime freight emissions.
What’s the true cost of shipping all your junk across the ocean?
July 31, 2021
— Walmart and other retail giants import millions of goods on polluting cargo ships.
Why Walmart, Target, Amazon and Ikea need greener ships
July 27, 2021
— Why 'net zero' retailers should lead the push for greener shipping practices.
What’s the true cost of shipping all your junk across the ocean?
July 27, 2021
— Walmart and other retail giants import millions of goods on polluting cargo ships.
These 15 US Retailers Have the Worst Cargo Shipping Footprint
July 27, 2021
— When Ikea announced 100% electric home delivery in certain cities and Amazon started working toward zero-emission deliveries, they both got a decent amount of credit. The same goes for Walmart installing electric vehicle chargers or Target’s embrace of circular design. Yet while these retailers might all be taking some substantive steps toward mitigating emissions, there’s still a sizable, ocean-going elephant in the room. And that elephant smells like bunker fuel.
New report reveals top 15 retail giants that contribute most to climate crisis through fossil-fuel-powered shipping
July 22, 2021
— A new report revealed the top 15 retail giants impacting the environment and public health. According to the report, the retail companies’ manufacturing and transport choices are “damning.”
Walmart, Target, and Amazon are among the biggest corporate polluters thanks to overseas shipping
July 22, 2021
— A new report from Pacific Environment and reveals 15 major corporations that emit as much climate pollution from overseas shipping as 1.5 million American homes.
‘Shady ships’: Why ‘net zero’ retailers should lead the push for greener shipping practices
July 22, 2021
— Analysis of the shipping impact of major US retailers finds 15 companies are responsible for as much sulphur oxide, nitrous oxide, and particulate matter pollution as tens of millions of vehicles.
Americas: New Study Draws Link Between Retailers and Shipping Emissions
July 22, 2021
— NGOs Pacific Environment and claim that their newly-published Shady Ships report is the first study to ‘quantify the environmental and public health impacts’ of American retailers’ ‘reliance on overseas manufacturing and fossil-fueled, transoceanic shipping’.
Environmental groups take aim at retail giants as ocean freight polluters
July 22, 2021
— Report cites 15 top retailers as bad actors in sustainability efforts.
Top 15 U.S. Retailers Created More Pollution From Shipping Than 1.5 Million American Homes
July 21, 2021
— The top 15 U.S. retailers were responsible for as much climate pollution in 2019, from their shipping alone, as the energy used to power 1.5 million American homes, a report released Monday by Pacific Environment finds.
Walmart, Ikea, and Amazon have a dirty shipping problem
July 20, 2021
— New report identifies the biggest corporate culprits of maritime emissions.
The Hidden Toll of Shipping
July 20, 2021
— A new report tracks just how much shipping-related emissions retailers like Walmart, Ikea, Amazon, and Target are responsible for.
Walmart tops retail list of American maritime import polluters
July 20, 2021
— Liners, already feeling the heat from their major clients to slash their carbon footprint, will likely get more urgent calls following the release today of a report highlighting which retail chains are polluting the most in America thanks to their shipping choices.
EGEB: These 15 US retailers’ ship imports pollute as much as 3 coal plants annually
July 20, 2021
— As the result of using fossil-fueled ships to import their goods into the US, just 15 retailers emitted as much shipping pollution as the equivalent of 1.5 million US homes, according to a study released today from environmental organizations Pacific Environment and
These 15 companies have the biggest footprint from cargo shipping
July 20, 2021
— A new report digs into which companies generate the most emissions from hauling their products across the ocean on polluting ships.
Tasked to Fight Climate Change, A Secretive U.N. Agency Does The Opposite
June 3, 2021
— Behind closed doors, shipbuilders and miners can speak on behalf of governments while regulating an industry that pollutes as much as all of America’s coal plants.
Zero-carbon fuels and marine shipping: Both a will and a way?
May 25, 2021
— The marine shipping sector consumes around 10 quadrillion British thermal units (Btus) of fuel and emits 1 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide each year.
IKEA Rejects LNG For Shipping
May 12, 2021
— Furniture company IKEA, a major user of shipping, has rejected the use of LNG as a marine fuel.
Shipping Industry Pushes for ‘Market-Based Measures’ to Help Achieve Decarbonization Targets
April 21, 2021
— Several of the world’s major shipping organizations are calling on world leaders to urgently examine the role of so-called market-based measures (MBMs) to ensure ambitious decarbonization targets are met across the entire global shipping industry.
Shipping industry emissions keep on climbing, new IMO data reveals
March 24, 2021
— New figures show that significant improvements in carbon intensity have been made since 2012, although these have slowed in recent years.
Shipping groups tap algortithms to cut carbon emissions
March 3, 2021
— Leading shipping group Maersk Tankers is investing tens of millions of dollars in digital technology to speed up cuts in carbon emissions across the industry, its chief executive told Reuters.
A new report says Amazon is polluting the oceans with 22 million pounds of plastics per year
December 15, 2020
— Our oceans are filling up with plastic. Between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tons of the stuff enter the waterways each year, disrupting the ecosystem, littering beaches, and killing countless sea-dwelling creatures.
Natural Gas Won’t Decarbonize Shipping, But The Fuel Is Here To Stay
February 4, 2020
— Investments in LNG-powered ships are growing despite debate over the impact gas will have on the environment.
How Amazon plans to make half its shipments carbon-neutral by 2030
February 21, 2019
— Though the company denies it, its new goal comes after pressure from workers and shareholders to do something about its huge carbon footprint.
Who We Are

Ship It Zero is a climate and public health campaign to move the world’s largest retail companies to 100% zero-emission ocean shipping.
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