Shipping Emissions in Focus: Ship It Zero Reveals Amazon, LG, Samsung and Home Depot’s Stalled Progress
November 19, 2024 — Just in time for the holidays, the Ship It Zero campaign is bringing visibility to the impacts of dirty ocean shipping caused by mega retailers all year round but especially as they ship their goods during the holiday season. The campaign has announced the release of its 2024 Retailer Shipping Decarbonization Progress Reports, which calls upon IKEA, LG, Samsung, and Home Depot to improve their performance by 2025 when the next round of Ship It Zero Report Cards are expected. 
Walmart, Target, Home Depot lead pack of retailers emitting millions of pounds of CO2 through shipping
March 4, 2023 — A new report from the nonprofits Pacific Environment and Stand.earth finds that the ships that carried imports for 18 of the U.S.’s largest retail, fashion, tech, and furniture companies emitted about 3.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases in 2021, about as much as the annual climate pollution from 750,000 passenger cars.
Climate Advocates: Big Retail Fossil-Free Shipping Commitment Historic, But Too Weak
October 19, 2021 — Global retail giants including Amazon and IKEA today announced a landmark commitment to move their products off of fossil-fueled maritime cargo ships by 2040, but environmental organizations with the Ship It Zero coalition say the commitment is too weak to address the urgent climate and public health crises tied to the ocean shipping sector.