카테고리: 뉴스

우리가 언론에서 배출가스 제로 해상 운송에 대해 우리가 만들고 있는 파도에 대해 읽어보십시오.

아마존은 2030년까지 전체 배송량의 절반을 탄소 중립으로 만들겠다는 계획을 조용히 포기했습니다.
May 30, 2023 — An Amazon spokesperson told Fast Company that the change shouldn’t be taken to mean that the company wasn’t still working toward earlier internal goals. “Nothing has changed in our commitment to decarbonize our operations,” the spokesperson said. Will Evans, a reporter from the Center for Investigative Reporting who first discovered the change in policy, asked Amazon if the pledge had been eliminated because the company was going to miss the goal, and was told that wasn’t the case. Still, if the company was on track to hit the target, it’s not clear why they wouldn’t want to celebrate that publicly.
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News|Yahoo! Life
나이키, '세계 최초' 수상 선박으로 항해를 시작하다
May 30, 2023 — The unveiling comes after Nike was cited by climate and public health group Ship it Zero as the top U.S. ocean import polluter—responsible for 87,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions—in 2021. While the H₂ Barge 1 is not equipped for ocean sailing, it is the only inland vessel anywhere to be powered by hydrogen, said Nike. It retrofitted the ship’s standard diesel-guzzling combustion engine with hydrogen-powered, emission-free technology. The vessel releases nothing but humid air and clean water and is “far quieter” than conventional diesel-fueled vessels, wasting less energy through hull vibrations and heat and offering what’s described as a more comfortable environment for the crew.
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