Swiss outdoor gear brand makes industry-leading pledge to transition to ZEVs by 2030
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Ship It Zero coalition members Stand.earth and Pacific Environment are applauding Swiss outdoor gear brand Mammut’s new industry-leading climate commitment, calling attention to the company’s pledge to transition to zero-emissions shipping vessels by 2030, and an additional initiative to shift to ocean cargo shipping carriers that have adopted slow steaming — deliberately slowing the speed of cargo ships to reduce fuel consumption — to help reduce carbon emissions in the interim.
The 47-page document, titled “Mammut’s Journey Toward Net Zero”, was posted recently on Mammut’s website. The commitment to zero-emissions vessels by 2030 is part of Mammut’s “climate and clean energy” commitments listed on page 6, and the commitment on slow steaming is outlined in the “greener shipping” initiatives on page 21.
The Ship It Zero coalition also commends Mammut for increased transparency in its maritime shipping import and exports for listing its 2020 carriers on page 45 of the commitment.
In response to the commitment, Stand.earth and Pacific Environment release the following statement:
“Mammut’s industry-leading climate commitment sets the bar in the fashion industry for a rapid and necessary transition to zero-emissions maritime shipping. The latest IPCC report warns we are at ‘code red for humanity,’ and illustrates the urgency with which we need polluting industries like fashion and shipping to clean up their acts,” said Gary Cook, Global Climate Campaigns Director at Stand.earth.
“Mammut’s commitment shows that companies have the power to end their maritime freight pollution. Now we are calling on Mammut’s competitors VF Corporation and Patagonia — as well as cargo shipping giants IKEA, Target, Amazon, and Walmart — to take similar steps to clean up their ocean shipping footprint,” said Madeline Rose, Climate Campaign Director for Pacific Environment.
About Ship It Zero
Ship It Zero is calling on the largest maritime importers and most well-known corporations to move their products off fossil-fueled vessels, use their market power to accelerate the zero-emission vessel market, and transition to 100 percent zero-emissions shipping by 2030 — goals that will ensure the shipping industry does its fair share in helping to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius, the target scientists say is needed to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis.
About Pacific Environment
Pacific Environment is a global environmental organization that protects communities and wildlife of the Pacific Rim. We support community leaders to fight climate change, protect the oceans, build just societies, and move away from fossil fuels toward a green economy.
About Stand.Earth
Stand.earth is an international nonprofit environmental organization with offices in Canada and the United States that is known for its groundbreaking research and successful corporate and citizen engagement campaigns to create new policies and industry standards in protecting forests, advocating the rights of Indigenous peoples, and protecting the climate.

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