태그: 배출량 제로

Ship It Zero cautiously welcomes container shipping majors’ joint effort to end fossil fuel-powered ships, calls for more stringent plan to achieve 100% zero-emission shipping
December 5, 2023 — The Ship It Zero coalition cautiously welcomes an announcement from five of the world’s largest shipping lines — MSC, Maersk, CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd and Wallenius Wilhelmsen — made in Dubai at COP28 that calls for an end date for fossil fuel-only powered newbuilds, while also urging the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to create the regulatory conditions to accelerate the green fuels transition.
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Apple releases “Mother Nature” ad, touts maritime shipping
September 21, 2023 — Apple released a “Mother Nature” ad touting its 2020 promise to bring its entire carbon footprint to net zero by 2030. The ad shows the Apple environmental team giving Mother Nature a status report. In one moment, an Apple team member says, “I’m proud to report that we’re shipping more products by ocean rather than air, which reduces transportation emissions by 95%.”
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아마존은 2030년까지 전체 배송량의 절반을 탄소 중립으로 만들겠다는 계획을 조용히 포기했습니다.
May 30, 2023 — An Amazon spokesperson told Fast Company that the change shouldn’t be taken to mean that the company wasn’t still working toward earlier internal goals. “Nothing has changed in our commitment to decarbonize our operations,” the spokesperson said. Will Evans, a reporter from the Center for Investigative Reporting who first discovered the change in policy, asked Amazon if the pledge had been eliminated because the company was going to miss the goal, and was told that wasn’t the case. Still, if the company was on track to hit the target, it’s not clear why they wouldn’t want to celebrate that publicly.
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News|Yahoo! Life
나이키, '세계 최초' 수상 선박으로 항해를 시작하다
May 30, 2023 — The unveiling comes after Nike was cited by climate and public health group Ship it Zero as the top U.S. ocean import polluter—responsible for 87,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions—in 2021. While the H₂ Barge 1 is not equipped for ocean sailing, it is the only inland vessel anywhere to be powered by hydrogen, said Nike. It retrofitted the ship’s standard diesel-guzzling combustion engine with hydrogen-powered, emission-free technology. The vessel releases nothing but humid air and clean water and is “far quieter” than conventional diesel-fueled vessels, wasting less energy through hull vibrations and heat and offering what’s described as a more comfortable environment for the crew.
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뉴스|그리스 해운 뉴스
Ship It Zero Resolution Passes Long Beach City Council: San Pedro Bay Port Complex to Commit to 100% Zero-Emission Ocean Shipping by 2030
April 20, 2023 — The Long Beach City Council unanimously passed a Ship It Zero Resolution 8-0, after the city attorney recommended that the council approve the resolution. The resolution took effect immediately upon its adoption by the Long Beach City Council. Last June, Ship It Zero mistakenly announced that the resolution had been approved by the council; but, in fact, the vote was to ask the city attorney to draft a resolution for review.
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롱비치 시의회는 수입업자들에게 '2030년까지 '탄소 제로' 선박으로 샌 페드로 항구 단지에서 항구 기항을 위한 조치를 취하라'고 요구합니다.
4월 19일, 2023 - 롱비치 시의회는 어제(4월 18일) 만장일치로 '롱비치의 주요 해상 수입업체들이 2030년까지 탄소 배출을 줄이는 기술을 채택하고 탄소 배출 제로 선박으로 산 페드로 항구 단지에 기항할 것을 촉구하는 결의안'을 승인했습니다. 시의회의 이러한 움직임은 지역 기후 행동 NGO와 'Ship It Zero' 연합의 지지자들로부터 환영을 받았습니다.
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Ship it Zero가 해운 회사에 보내는 공개 서한
May 23, 2022 - CMA-CGM, A.P. Moller-Maersk, MSC 지중해 해운 회사, 에버그린 마린, 오션 네트워크 익스프레스와 같은 화물 회사들은 지난 2년간 코로나 관련 소비자 지출과 공급망 차질로 인해 기록적인 수익을 보고했습니다. 이러한 자원을 화석 연료 사용을 줄이고 무공해 선박으로의 전환을 촉진하는 데 투자하는 것은 여러분의 의무입니다.
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새로운 연구: 캘리포니아의 선구적인 디젤 규칙은 생명을 구합니다.
January 28, 2022 — Jesse Marquez, executive director of the Coalition for a Safe Environment and a resident of the portside community of Wilmington, pointed to the role of environmental justice advocates in pushing for cleaner air. “The port did not do this on their own. (The air board) did not do this on their own,” he said. “We forced it to happen.”
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