Lea nuestras reflexiones sobre la introducción de las emisiones cero en alta mar.

Advocates at Climate Week call on corporations, like Amazon, to urgently tackle transportation emissions
September 26, 2024 — Our session, “Building a Just Transportation Ecosystem” during Climate Week was a key opportunity to highlight that the transportation sector, and the corporations that are behind it, is a key driver in the climate crisis, comprising about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions.
Carta abierta de la comunidad médica a Home Depot
May 9, 2023 — International ocean shipping is oftentimes out of the spotlight, but the air pollution emissions from this sector have direct health impacts on coastal and port communities.
Abrir un horizonte de esperanza: ¡Ship It Zero cumple un año!
July 18, 2022 — Today, we mark Ship It Zero’s one-year anniversary. It’s a moment to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and where we’re going — because there’s still more work to do.
Carta abierta de la comunidad médica a Target
July 12, 2022 — While international shipping is frequently low profile, the air pollution emissions from this sector have very real health impacts on coastal and port communities.
Carta abierta a Target de la coalición Ship It Zero de Long Beach y Los Ángeles
June 28, 2022 — We, the undersigned members of the Los Angeles and Long Beach Ship It Zero coalition, consisting of climate, environmental justice, public health, and faith groups, write to request a meeting with [Target CEO Brian Cornell] in Southern California regarding health-harming pollution from your ocean cargo imports. 
Target AGM 2022: Declaraciones completas de la coalición Ship It Zero
June 6, 2022 — Port Residents Demand Zero-Emissions Shipping at Target Annual General Meeting.
Carta abierta de Ship it Zero a las navieras
May 23, 2022 — Cargo companies like CMA-CGM, A.P. Moller-Maersk, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Evergreen Marine, and Ocean Network Express have reported record-breaking profits as a result of Covid-related consumer spending and supply chain disruptions over the last two years. It is your duty to invest these resources in reducing fossil fuel use and catalyzing the shift to zero emissions vessels.
Los gigantes del comercio minorista desempeñan un papel excesivo en la contaminación portuaria
April 26, 2022 — CSULB students call on Target to make commitment on 100% zero-emissions shipping this decade.
Houston y Walmart deben limpiar su contaminación portuaria
April 5, 2022 — Cleaning up our ports isn’t just an environmental issue; it’s a matter of building a healthier America and world. It’s about time that Houston, Walmart, and CMA-CGM act to clean up our ports and protect our neighbors.
El problema de los envíos sucios de Walmart
March 23, 2022 — In advance of the upcoming Society of Environmental Journalists Conference, we are providing a backgrounder with Houston shipping facts and some information on how Walmart has contributed to port pollution nationwide and in the Houston area. 
Presentación de la demanda "Acabar con la contaminación portuaria ahora".
February 24, 2022 — The Ship It Zero campaign is excited to announce the addition of our newest demand to retailers and their ocean shipping carriers, End Port Pollution Now.
Coalición por un Medio Ambiente Seguro: Disponibilidad de buques de carga con cero emisiones
January 28, 2022 — Coalition for a Safe Environment’s Jesse Marquez reminds us that several zero-emissions cargo ships are already on the market now, in 2022.
Día de Acción de Amazon: Demandas del Callejón del Asma
October 14, 2021 — Watch as friends of Ship It Zero gather in Long Beach, CA —notoriously nicknamed "Asthma Alley"— to highlight the harrowing community health impacts of port pollution and call for an end to Amazon's fossil-fueled ocean shipping.
Vea el estreno mundial: All Aboard Ship It Zero
September 30, 2021 — Ship It Zero has hit the big screen! We’re proud to premiere All Aboard Ship It Zero. Watch the video to understand the problem with dirty ocean shipping — and the solutions.
La "temporada de reposición" de agosto en el comercio minorista amenaza con un peligroso repunte de la contaminación portuaria
August 2, 2021 — August marks the start of “retail restocking season” – that is, a period of surging maritime imports into the U.S. to prepare retailers for the coming holiday seasons. And this year, American ports are heading into their busiest – and perhaps most backed-up – peak season yet.
Para la descarbonización del transporte marítimo en el marco de París se necesita un cinco por ciento de combustibles con cero emisiones para 2030
March 9, 2021 — The ambition of the Getting to Zero Coalition is to have commercially viable zero emission vessels operating along deep sea trade routes by 2030. But at what degree of adoption do zero emission fuels become “commercially viable”?
Una nueva encuesta revela que la mayoría de los estadounidenses cambiaría su lugar de compra para apoyar a los barcos más limpios
November 17, 2020 — 74 percent say they’d be more likely to shop at a company that used cleaner shipping practices.
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