Etiqueta: nike

Noticias|Tecnología naval
Nike signs biofuels agreement with CMA CGM
March 5, 2024 — The US apparel company is hoping to reduce CO2 emissions as part of its Move to Zero initiative on net zero emissions. Sport and fashion giant NIKE has partnered with CMA CGM on the use of more sustainable shipping fuels by purchasing biofuels for use with 36% of its cargo carried with the company.
News|Yahoo! Life
Nike zarpa con su primera moto acuática del mundo
May 30, 2023 — The unveiling comes after Nike was cited by climate and public health group Ship it Zero as the top U.S. ocean import polluter—responsible for 87,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions—in 2021. While the H₂ Barge 1 is not equipped for ocean sailing, it is the only inland vessel anywhere to be powered by hydrogen, said Nike. It retrofitted the ship’s standard diesel-guzzling combustion engine with hydrogen-powered, emission-free technology. The vessel releases nothing but humid air and clean water and is “far quieter” than conventional diesel-fueled vessels, wasting less energy through hull vibrations and heat and offering what’s described as a more comfortable environment for the crew.
Noticias|Noticias de longitud aleatoria
Informe: Walmart y otros importadores deben acelerar el cambio hacia las emisiones cero
4 de marzo de 2023 - El informe "Todas las marcas a cubierta: Top Furniture, Fashion, Retail & Technology Companies Must Act to Abandon Dirty Ships" (Todas las marcas a cubierta: las principales empresas de muebles, moda, venta al por menor y tecnología deben actuar para abandonar los barcos sucios) analizó el impacto climático y otros impactos contaminantes de 18 empresas que importaron sus productos a EE.UU. en 2021. En total, fueron responsables de 3,5 millones de toneladas métricas de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que calientan el clima, con Walmart, Target y Home Depot a la cabeza.